Buddhist teachings.

I’m not a Buddhist but a lot of the ideas in Buddhism have helped me tame my own brain.


Understanding happiness.

An article from Lion’s Roar.

Building a peaceful and loving world.An article by bell hooks including her interview with Thich Nhat Hanh.

Building a peaceful and loving world.

An article by bell hooks including her interview with Thich Nhat Hanh.

Cool anger with RAIN.

The RAIN practice helps us shift emotion.


Encourage your brain to sit in its social instinct instead of its survival instinct. This can help you feel better and can improve your relationships.

“Cool” versus “hot” loneliness.An article by Pema Chodron.

“Cool” versus “hot” loneliness.

An article by Pema Chodron.

The practice of Yes.

This article from Lion’s Roar website talks about the Yes meditation practice.

Understanding suffering.

I wrote this simple explanation of suffering and some of the basic sources of human anxiety.

The continuity of life.

Thich Nhat Hanh writes about seeing reality as waves, which can keep us in suffering, or as water, which allows us to release pain.


The Four Noble Truths

The path to inner calmness was outlined by the Buddha in the Four Noble Truths. This article from Lion’s Roar does a nice job of sharing it in a clear way.

The Five Remembrances

We all suffer from deep human anxieties, like the fear of getting ill and the fear of dying. This meditation helps us deal with these fears. Here’s a link to a great article about Buddhism and the Five Remembrances.